Employee wellbeing is the new talked about subject and competitive advantage in the today’s business world. Going into 2020, it is has become a major strategic business objectives for employers. With two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and many business, cultural, political, and overall way-of-life changes, employees are struggling to adjust.
Read MoreEmployee wellbeing is the new talked about subject and competitive advantage in the today’s business world. Going into 2020, it is has become a major strategic business objectives for employers. With two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and many business, cultural, political, and overall way-of-life changes, employees are struggling to adjust.
Read MoreMost of us have learned to look at the world through the lens of success vs. failure. This creates a black & white, harsh reality in which anything that doesn’t qualify as an absolute victory is considered a loss. Unfortunately, this is the language of addiction treatment as well - you’re either sober (winning) or not (losing) and there is no between. At IGNTD, we look at things completely differently. Instead of an all-or-nothing approach to winning and losing, we assess progress and success in a manner more similar to grading.
Read MoreHumans Are Unique Animals. One of the most obvious ways we differ from other species is that we are born somewhat helpless. By the time most animals are born, they are already able to take care of themselves. Take a calf for example. Within hours of being born, a calf is able to walk, within days it can run around, and within weeks it has all it needs to be on it’s own and fend for itself. Humans, on the other hand, are born so helpless that we have to rely on somebody else to feed us, protect us, and basically do everything for us for years.
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